jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

Intervention of ODYSSEA at the European Tourism Day, organised by the European Commission, on 27th September 2012, in Brussels

The European Commission - DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and DG Enterprise and Industry - organise the 2012 edition of the European Tourism Day that will take place in Brussels on 27th September, on the occasion of World Tourism Day.

The European Grouping for Cooperation Odyssea will present its actions in the field of the maritime and coastal tourism.

A new honnor for Odyssea after the invitation, on last June, at the “Crossroads of Europe” organised in Pavie (Italy), by the European Commission. Vice-president of the Commission, Antonio Tajani, presented Odyssea project as one of the structuring projects for the future of the transborder cultural routes which are, according to him, one of the biggest tourist advances capable of giving coherence to the european offer.

During the morning, the conference will discuss how seasonality in tourism can be overcome and how the diversification of tourism activities can contribute to extend the tourism season.
NECSTouR Secretary General, Ms Mireille Peirano, from Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region of which she is the Vice-President in charge of Maritime Affairs, Fisheries and Coastline, will present the good practices of NECSTouR’s regions concerning Deseasonalisation. She will also present the actions of Odyssea in this field.
The afternoon will be dedicated to the challenges and opportunities of maritime and coastal tourism in Europe. Régis Lopez Lang, Delegate Odyssea for Europe, will present Odyssea project.

More information: www.odyssea.eu 

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